Frquently asked questions about flood and water damage

1What is flood damage?
Flood damage is damage caused by water that enters a space where it's not supposed to be. It often happens as a result of natural disasters like heavy rain or storms, but can also happen as a result of burst pipes or sewage backups.
2What are the effects of water damage?
Water damage can damage property, furniture, walls, and floors. It can also promote mold growth, cause health problems, and ruin important documents and possessions.
3What should I do if I experience a flood or water damage?
Immediately turn off the water source and electricity, if safe to do so. Call a professional water damage restoration company to dry and repair the affected areas.
4How long does the restoration process take?
The time it takes to restore water damage depends on the severity of the damage, but it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
5Is water damage covered by homeowner's insurance?
Typically, homeowner's insurance covers water damage caused by an unexpected event, such as a burst pipe or backup of a sewer or drain. However, it does not cover damage caused by flood.
6How can I prevent water damage in my home?
Regular maintenance of plumbing and appliances, checking for leaks, and installing preventative measures such as sump pumps and backflow valves can help prevent water damage.
7How can I protect important documents and possessions from water damage?
Store important documents in waterproof containers or in raised areas, and keep valuable possessions away from low-lying areas, such as basements or near windows during a storm.
8What are the health risks associated with water damage?
Water damage can promote mold growth, which can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health issues. It can also harbor bacterial growth and other harmful pathogens.
9How can water extraction help with flood damage?
Water extraction is the process of removing standing water from a space. It helps to prevent further damage to your property and can mitigate the risk of mold growth. Professional water extraction services use specialized equipment to remove as much water as possible from your home or business.
10When should I call for emergency response services for water damage?
Emergency response services should be contacted as soon as possible after a water event. The longer water is left standing, the greater the chance of further damage to your property. When you call for emergency response services, you'll get the help you need to quickly mitigate the damage.
11Can water extraction services help with other types of water damage?
Yes, water extraction services can help with a variety of water damage scenarios, including burst pipes, appliance leaks, and sewage backups. These types of damage require different approaches to water extraction, but a professional service will have the knowledge and equipment needed to handle any type of water damage.
12What should I do if I experience water damage?
First, make sure that everyone is safe and out of harm's way. Then, shut off the water source if possible. Contact a professional water extraction service as soon as possible to begin mitigating the damage. Avoid attempting any DIY repairs since this can result in further damage or injury.